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Town councilman selected as Cromwell Democrat of the Year

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Sep. 25, 2021

CROMWELL — Town Councilman James Demetriades was honored Friday as Cromwell Democrat of the Year during a ceremony at Cafe Fiore on Berlin Road.

“Being involved in local politics is all about giving back to your community and I believe that my actions have done just that,” Demetriades said in an email. He was 23 when he first ran for council in 2017 while a law student still living with his parents.

Now, he owns a home in town and works as a labor and employee rights attorney.

He has served as chairman of the nonprofit Cromwell Creative District, as well as the liaison to the LGBTQ, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and Planning and Zoning commissions, as well as sat on the Youth Advisory Board, Demetriades said.

“These collective volunteer positions, both elected and appointed, have brought me closer to my hometown and continues to drive me to fight to make our community as strong, sustainable, transparent and vibrant as possible,” he said. “While I may not have voted in the majority for every action our council has taken, I believe I have shown you can disagree without being disagreeable.”

Demetriades plans to continue leading his party and advocate for policies that will make the community a more sustainable, affordable, and welcoming place to live, he added.

Find the story at The Middletown Press below:

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