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  • matthewwbrown

Congratulations to our Newly Elected Officials!

Over 4,000 Cromwell voters came out November 7 to elect candidates for municipal office from Mayor to the Zoning Board of Appeals. We want to congratulate and thank all that ran! We appreciate your willingness to give back to your town.

We're very excited to announce the following Democrats were elected, including our first Democratic Mayor here in Cromwell!


James Demetriades

Town Council

Paula Luna, Stacy Dabrowski, Allan Waters

Board of Education

Laurie Cantwell, Alyssa Goduti

Board of Assessment Appeals

Jennifer Lepore

Planning and Zoning

Nicholas Demetriades, Alice Kelly

Zoning Board of Appeals

Matt Brown, Karen Sullivan

Thank you to everyone who came out to vote! Your participation makes Cromwell even better.

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